So the Danger Twins and I made it through “sheep week” at the Sonoma County Fair, but not without a little disappointment and heartache. But in the words of my very smart and sassy daughter, “all farmers have an off year“.

Off year is an understatement, but if I learned anything it was that you always have to have a Plan B! We took four lambs to the fair, 3 sold and 1 came home. We kinda had an idea that ol’Peanut might not be what they call “Market Ready” as he was a bit under weight going into the fair. Even with knowing that there is a possibility that the lamb may be scratched from the sale, it sure doesn’t make it any easier on your nerves or your heart. But let me tell you that I have never been so proud of my Miss B as when she walked in the ring with a very thin Peanut, head held high and showed that lamb like the master showwoman she is. Even the judge pointed out that she did a great job of showing the lamb despite the lamb being too thin. As she walked out of the ring the tears started to flow….mine and hers. And as I started to comfort her one of her club mates, GiGi, came by grabbed her lamb so I could take Miss B for a walk to let the tears continue to flow. If I forgot to thank you GiGi, thank you for your help!

As we walked, talked and cried together it wasn’t sadness it was disappointment. I was disappointed that I couldn’t take her pain away and as I listened, her disappointment was what she perceived in herself. She felt she could have done more! WHAT? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing…she did everything right. She followed directions, called the vet when she needed, cared for that lamb and presented it like at champ in the ring. I explained to her that there was nothing she could have done differently. As we made the loop back to the barn, past the Clover ice cream stand, she looked up at me and said ” you  know what mom, this is no different than what you talk to people about….all farmers have an off year“.  And here comes the lump in my throat again! With that, Miss B unhooked her arm from mine and said ” I gotta go get Blue ready to show“.  And off she went!

Once she was done showing we discussed what our Plan B would be. We decided that since Peanut was coming home, we would work towards showing him at the Cow Palace at the Junior Grand National Stockshow. This is a big goal, but she wanted to go for it, so I am behind her 110%.  So until then, Peanut is living the high life and Miss B is learning about what it takes to show at a higher level. And no matter what happens, she is learning some very valuable life lessons that will carry her through to adulthood.


Today’s “Mad Shout Out” goes to my Miss B whose strength, determination and heart inspire me to do and be more not only as her parent but as a person. Mommy loves you b, to the moon and back a thousand-million-billion-trillion times plus one day!



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