I have to say that there is nothing better than sitting down every night at the kitchen table and just talking to one another.  For many families, this is something that might never occur due to multiple activities throughout the year. So I truly count my blessings that I can sit down with the kids  every night for a meal and a check in! One of my fondest memories growing up was Sunday dinner down in the basement at my grandparents house. And oh good gravy, if you had other plans or even late to dinner, you would certainly hear about from Lil! Though during my teen years I could have picked 10 other places to be on those Sundays, I am so glad I now have those memories and sense of tradition to pass on to the Danger Twins.  Ok, to be really honest, I’ve got some really great stories that came from sitting around that big ol’ table!!

So the other night the Danger Twins and I were sitting around our kitchen table having dinner, discussing the latest happenings on the playground and in the quad. So much to learn when you ask “how was your day”  sit back and just listen. When the kids were done reporting on “who got hurt in dodgeball” and “who’s not going to the winter dance with who“, Miss B asked “Mom, what are we gonna do when all the farms are gone?” That kinda threw me for a loop. We do talk about agriculture and where our food comes from along with the importance of supporting our agriculturists. You may think it’s funny or maybe even untrue, but ask the average school aged child where their milk comes from and their first answer is the store. The kids  in Petaluma, even  Sonoma County, are a little more aware because we still have a decent amount of agriculture here that has not fallen to development or unable to keep up with the burdens or high taxes and over regulation….but that topic is for another blog post.

So I sat there for a second, giving thought to what Miss B had asked , realizing that there really isn’t a lot of consideration for this question in our society. Have you thought about it? How would you feel if all of our food supply came from another country? Countries who do not have as strict of regulations as we do here in the United States. Now I know this will bring up the comments/argument about how we can eat from local farmers, which I am all for. But, with our population growing we need to have different types / sizes of farms and operations to fulfill our growing food needs. Remember, and I say this all the time, there is no such thing as one size fits all in agriculture. What has made the USA a super power among the other countries is our ability to feed not only ourselves but others. So think about what will happen when we are dependent on other countries for food? Don’t mean to scare you, but it’s a viable question.

My answer to Miss B was this: I hope we don’t ever have to worry about the farms being gone. That is why every time we go to the store we actually make a choice to support our farmers and ranchers when we buy only food grown and produced here locally and the United States. That’s why I always take extra time to check for the labels. It’s up to us to support those who work 24/7 – 365 to provide the rest of us our basic need-food.

A little food for thought…no pun intended! But I planted that seed with the kids about why we need to be concerned about where our food comes from. And hopefully I got you thinking too!

Of course the conversation trailed off to a completely different subject as it is bound to do when you have “tweens” in the house.  But for a few minutes, around our dinner table, we got each other thinking and exchanging information.


So I challenge you all to, if you don’t already, sit down to a family dinner ask a question, listen and exchange information. You just may be surprise at what you learn.


Happy Holidays!


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